Hi all,

I'm trying to upload via -f parameter. I first used "put -O ./ <file>", 
but after my connection got an reconnect while uploading, it just prints 
errors instead of completing the file. The error is:

<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode (62,67,235,26,208,14).
<--- 350 Restarting at 797. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
<--- 451 ./Sources.gz: Append/Restart not permitted, try again

and this repeats until I kill lftp process by hand. After that I tried 

rm <file>
put -c -O ./ <file>

which works (beside the error about the nonexisting file to delete), but 
when reconnect comes, the rm is done already and the put again fails 
with the above error-message till I kill it.

Is there a way to completely turn of reput and get the file overwritten 
in such cases?

The server report on connect is:

<--- 211-Features:
<---  MDTM
<---  SIZE
<--- 211 End

MfG usw.

Werner Mahr

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