It's possible the torrents you tried simply had no seeds, or had
issues with the tracker, etc. Since the drum beat file worked, I'm
inclined to think this is the issue.  If you really think the problem
is with lftp, try any non-working torrent in another client to see if
it works.

- Kyle

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:23 PM, Chris Sutcliffe <> wrote:
>> I tried the torrent found here:
>> and was unable to replicate this problem. (note: it saves to file name
>> "[isoHunt] ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent")
> I should have mentioned, I don't think it's an issue with spaces in
> the filename of the torrent, more spaces in the filename of the
> target.  I suspect that the torrent file you used produced a file
> called 'ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso'.
> Having said that, I tried another file with spaces in the target and
> it worked (a CreativeCommons drum beat).
> I'm not sure why some work and others don't.
>> Is this what happened to you? You simply said it refused to start. In
>> what way did it refuse? What output, if any, did lftp show?
> What happens is the torrent basically sits there waiting it seems.
> lftp will have the up / down indicators at 0.
> Chris
> --
> Chris Sutcliffe

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