this was written 2yrs ago. just now came across. but, still seems good for
understanding the 'opening' (al fatiha) of new queer space in islam.

Thursday, July 07, 2005
 Islam & Homophobia
Islam is seen by some as being particularly homophobic, and conjures up
images of veiled women and fanatical bearded imams stoning homosexuals to
death in public squares. While this picture in part springs from widespread
Islamophobia, and does scant justice to the day-to-day reality of how
homosexuality is accommodated in
practice within the billion-strong Islamic world, it is not entirely without

Homosexual acts are a capital crime in several Muslim countries. In many
others, including Pakistan, they carry mandatory prison sentences. In Iran,
Islamic hardliners who came to power in 1979 imposed the death penalty for
homosexual acts, in accordance with Islamic law, or shariah. Many of those
condemned have been stoned to death, in accordance with some interpretations
of the shariah. Precise information on the number of such executions is
difficult to establish, says Nassim, a member of Homan, a gay group for
Iranians living in the West. This is because the Iranian press suppressed
reports of homosexual executions following strong protests from Western gay
activists about the killings. In the early years of the Islamic regime,
however, when all activities deemed "un-Islamic" were openly and vigorously
repressed, there were well-documented accounts of whole groups of people at
clandestine homosexual parties being rounded up and executed without any
evidence of homosexual activity having taken place.

This zeal to rid Iran of homosexuals went directly against the limits set
even by the shariah, which expressly forbids spying to prove homosexual acts
have been committed, and, furthermore, demands that four male Muslims of
sound mind witness the act of penetration for the death penalty to be
incurred. This standard of proof, if properly followed, makes prosecutions
for homosexual acts almost impossible in practice - though Nassim claims
that the Iranian authorities themselves regularly acted as "witnesses" in
order to secure convictions. Nevertheless, the result is covert tolerance,
if not overt acceptance, of homosexuality in the majority of Muslim
countries, as long as it is not publicly seen or talked about.

The present is a time of monumental upheaval in Iran, with liberal reformers
having won a landslide victory in the Iranian Parliament. However, says
Nassim, it is simply too early to assess what impact, if any, this will have
on the situation for homosexuals in Iran. In Afghanistan, meanwhile, where
shariah law is also in operation, the fundamentalist Taliban regime's
preferred method of execution is to bulldoze a wall onto the guilty parties,
who are made to lie in a trench dug especially for this purpose. Whole
villages turn out for these occasions, with
relatives of the condemned among those forced to watch. The Taliban have
made no sign that these executions are going to stop, despite protests from
human rights agencies such as Amnesty International.

Many western countries now have large Muslim populations. In Germany, there
are three million Muslims, mainly of Turkish origin, while France has two
million north African Muslims. In Britain, the Muslim community is
predominantly from the Indian subcontinent and numbers one-and-a-half
million. Of these, an estimated 75,000 are homosexual (a figure based on a
report on British Muslims by the Runnymede Trust in 1998). Muslim religious
leaders in Britain officially reject homosexuality completely.

Alongside churches, synagogues and Sikh and Hindu temples, Muslim
organisations such as the Islamic Party of Britain have been organising
petitions protesting against the Government's attempts to scrap Section 28.
Ricky Potts, the acting Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Officer at the University
of Wales in Bangor, was horrified to be asked to sign a petition, against
the scrapping of Section 28, drawn up by the Islamic Presentation Centre
International Limited. The petition claimed that to scrap the Section would
expose children "to immoral values and practices [and] will also undermine
the institutions of the family and damage the fabric of our society. Any
teaching in school which presents homosexual practices in a morally neutral
way is profoundly offensive and totally unacceptable to all communities and

Such political action takes its inspiration from an orthodox interpretation
of Islamic doctrine. Sheikh Sharkhawy, a senior cleric at the prestigious
Regent's Park Mosque, in a written response to my questions, compares
homosexuality to a "cancer tumour", which must be removed to preserve the
health of society. Viewing homosexuals as "paedophiles and Aids carriers"
who have no hope of a "spiritual life", he openly and unashamedly argues for
the execution of gay males over the age of ten and life imprisonment for
lesbians. Like many orthodox imams, he views homosexuality as a symbol of a
peculiarly "Western" decadence, claiming that "homosexuality is not
tolerated in Islamic countries".

More liberal imams, such as Sheikh Zaki Badawi of the Ealing Muslim College,
refuse to pigeonhole homosexuality in this way. Speaking to Gay Times, he
said that "the film My Beautiful Laundrette [which centres on the love of a
gay Muslim man for a white former racist] should serve as a useful reminder
to the Muslim community that they cannot simply sweep gays and lesbians
under the carpet. Homosexuality has always existed and continues to exist in
all Islamic countries. Indeed, many high-ranking leaders in the Islamic
world are gay." Sheikh Badawi categorically rejects homophobic violence. "In
Britain," he says, "we Muslims are in a minority, and it should not be our
task to encourage intolerance towards other minorities." He is one of the
few Muslim figures who advocates the teaching of homosexuality in the
context of sex education lessons in schools, as long as it does not
challenge the "normality" of the traditional heterosexual family by
"promoting" homosexuality. However, toleration does not equal acceptance,
and even he considers homosexuality to be a "problem" similar to alcoholism,
which is against Islamic teaching, even though being an alcoholic or gay
does not disqualify one from being Muslim.

Such attitudes from within the Muslim community have made positive
validation of a gay Muslim identity extremely difficult. Not surprisingly,
many gay people from Muslim backgrounds simply leave Islam. At a recent
meeting on the subject in Leicester (where there is a large Muslim
population), a young gay man who had rejected Islam said simply, "It's a
choice between praying and sucking cock - you can't do both at the same
time." Other gay Muslims who are very religious often become severely
depressed as a result of the internalised guilt they feel at their
closeted sexuality.

Compared with homosexuals from other faith denominations, the situation for
gay Muslims of faith has been noticeably bad. For many years now, gay and
gay-friendly Christian organisations and individuals, such as the Rt Revd
Richard Holloway, the Bishop of Edinburgh, have very publicly denounced
homophobia while affirming the possibility of being gay and remaining true
to one's faith.

In the past three years, the homophobia of Islamic orthodoxy has begun to be
challenged by gay Muslims themselves. It all started with the formation of a
ground-breaking new homosexual Muslim group, Al-Fatiha, in the US in 1997.
Al-Fatiha is the brainchild of Faisal Alam. Facing the same dilemmas as
other gay Muslims, he searched the internet to find information about
homosexuality and Islam. Finding absolutely nothing there, he set up his own
internet discussion group (listserv) for gay Muslims from all over the world
to discuss issues of common concern in a safe environment. The listserv has
now grown to over 1,500 members worldwide, from America to Indonesia. The
first Al-Fatiha Retreat, attended by 40 people, took place in Boston in
October 1998.

Faisal Alam crossed the Atlantic in November 1999 to form an Al-Fatiha
chapter in this country. The very first meeting of Al-Fatiha UK brought
together 30 men and women from all over Britain to the basement of a bar in
Old Compton Street, Soho - the heart of London's gay scene. Faisal convened
a second meeting in Leicester and a third, also in Soho, before returning
home to the States. At these gatherings, people shared the intricacies of
their lives as well as discussing some of the theological arguments for a
pro-gay Muslim position. Many had their own tales to tell of ostracism and
feelings of isolation, but also inspirational stories of being gay and

The name Al-Fatiha is taken from the title of the first chapter of the
Koran, and signifies "the Beginning" or "Opening". It consists of an
invocation for guidance from Allah, who is referred to as "the
Compassionate, the Merciful One". Faisal Alam believes that these qualities
- and not the fundamentalism of extremist groups - represent the true
essence of Islam. In addition, Faisal explains, the "Opening" refers
hopefully to the beginning of a dialogue through which the mainstream Muslim
community will come to acknowledge the millions of gay Muslims in its midst
and open its arms to them.

Despite the severe hostility homosexual Muslims had experienced from their
communities, some people at the early meetings of Al-Fatiha UK were wary of
provoking an Islamophobic backlash by highlighting exclusively Islamic
homophobia. Ali, a sexual health worker from NAZ who runs an HIV forum, had
been forced to move after unsolicited visits to his home from an imam from
the Balham mosque and some of his followers. They demanded that he stop his
work, which, they said, was "corrupting" the Muslim community, "or else".
Yet, says Ali, "I believe that what they did was not Islamic in the sense I
understand Islam. There is considerable Islamophobia in Britain, and the
last thing we as gay Muslims want is to be marginalised twice over, once for
being gay and again for being Muslim."

Yet this dilemma is little understood by the wider gay community. A leader
article in the September 7th, 1998 issue of the now-defunct London-based gay
Metropolis even called for homophobic Muslims to be deported back to their
country of origin. "While we understand that the extreme homophobia of some
Muslims leads non-Muslim gay people to characterise Islam itself as
homophobic," says Ifti, an Al-Fatiha spokesperson, "we have to be very
careful to make a distinction between the two so as not to alienate
potential straight Muslim supporters and to offer homosexual Muslims the
possibility of being true to their faith. We have to emphasise the fact that
interpreting the religious texts is a dynamic process and that application
of religious laws must take into account the changing social context. While
we recognise that we have many powerful allies in the non-Muslim community,
we must also recognise that, ultimately, the situation for gay Muslims of
faith can only be improved by changing attitudes from within the Muslim
community itself. This is the revolutionary task Al-Fatiha is attempting to
carry out."

Al-Fatiha members have been active in UNISON, Britain's largest public
sector trade union, which has many gay Muslim members. UNISON's National Gay
and Lesbian Committee (which has 2,500 members) passed a resolution last
year which supported Al-Fatiha in its activities while condemning the
homophobic persecution of gays in

Meanwhile, plans are underway to open a chapter of Al-Fatiha in Jerusalem -
a city which is considered the third holiest in Islam, after Mecca and
Medina in Saudi Arabia. This chapter will operate with the help of the
Jerusalem Open House, a multi-faith gay centre co-founded by Rabbi Steven
Greenburg, the US's only openly gay orthodox rabbi. A copy of the Koran and
resources for gay Muslims are to be housed at the Open House's library. In
this way it is hoped to help create dialogue between the city's sharply
segregated religious communities as well as offering help for homosexual
Muslims. Within the next two years Al-Fatiha hopes to connect with LGBTQ
Muslims and organise support and discussion groups around the world.

Al-Fatiha is not the world's first gay Muslim organisation. An earlier San
Francisco-based group, called the Lavender Crescent Society, misjudging the
situation completely, sent five members to Iran in 1979 following the
overthrow of the Shah and the coming to power of the hard-line Ayatollah
Khomeini, in the hope of creating an Iranian gay Muslim movement. The five
were taken straight from the airport to a place of execution and killed. Gay
Iranians were forced to go underground after this.

Even within the West, gay Muslims are bound to attract a certain level of
hostility. An organisation called Min-Alaq was formed in Toronto in the
early 1990s, but folded after threats from religious fundamentalists.
Al-Fatiha has also received death threats just before some of its events,
though no incident has occurred so far. For the forthcoming Retreat in
London, the Metropolitan Police are in contact with the New York police to
assist in security concerns. "We are aware of the potential negative
reaction from fundamentalist groups in Britain, such as Al Muhajiroun,
and will take all necessary precautions to ensure the event goes smoothly,"
said an Al-Fatiha UK spokesperson.

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