Hi All,

Being the guy who wrote the Oracle driver long time ago (as well as  
the Firebird and mSQL drivers).

Yes, the driver is not completed. There was work left todo when I left  
the maintainership over to someone else. Unfortunately that someone  
else didn't finish it either. Most probably he broke more then he  
fixed as the driver did compile and worked fine in the few projects I  
used it against (Oracle 9i) when I still took care of it.

I think it should be fairly easy to make it work again, although I am  
not the one that is going to do it. Building a new driver based on a  
third party library might be a way forward. But that would be a layer  
on a layer solution. If I where the one coding I would focus on fixing  
the current Oracle driver that uses OCI directly, not to build a new  
module from scratch.
But as I am not the one coding I would just be happy to get a working  
driver for Oracle based on anything. So if you are writhing this  
driver and planning to maintain it, go for it, exchange the oracle  
driver with your driver.

All the best,


On May 2, 2009, at 9:45 PM, vincent rogier wrote:

> Hi markus,
> I'm coming back about an ocilib based Oracle driver for libdbi.
> About FreeBSD, There's no official support or package from Oracle  
> Corp.
> A port has been done and seems to work. The last few weeks, i was in  
> contact with an italian that tried to port OCILIB to FreeBSD.
> OCILIB compiles well on FreeBDS but there is a problem with the  
> version of the lib C used for the Oracle Client port.
> I'm still waiting for news...
> So, the last package i sent you was working well except the numeric  
> types problems...
> It's not possible to know what size a numeric value really is  
> (1/2/4/8 bytes integers or even numeric...)
> When you create an INT column or a SHORT column, the storage is the  
> same : oracle NUMBER. Even SQL*PLUS would cannot make the  
> difference. Only the server knows the difference for range checking..
> Oracle is different from other database because the client program  
> that tells Oracle how it wants to retreive/insert the value.
> So, i'm still suck in the ocilib based libdbo driver to set the  
> integer type bit... For example, a column created as "INT" (4 bytes  
> integer range) or "NUMBER" (38 digits for scale and precision that  
> can holds integer, numeric, real, etc..) will be reported by Oracle  
> client library (OCI) as "NUMBER"... There's no way to make nay  
> difference...
> So my question : how to deal with that into an libdbi driver ?
> PS : about the actual oracle libdbi driver : the driver can't even  
> compile (syntax problems) and is wrong (LONG types, etc..) and  
> buggy. I'm sure no one has tested it...
> Regards,
> Vincent.
> 2008/11/13 Markus Hoenicka <markus.hoeni...@mhoenicka.de>
> vincent rogier writes:
>  > >I believe it would be more appropriate to call the driver "ocilib"
>  >
>  > Sure :). I'll change that
>  >
> Don't rush it. I hoped to get some feedback about the status and the
> capabilities of the existing oracle driver (which I can't test
> myself). If the ocilib driver surpasses the oracle driver and is
> better maintained, then the existing driver is obsolete and should be
> replaced by the ocilib driver. In that case, "oracle" wouldn't be a
> misnomer. However, if for some reason both drivers have to coexist,
> I'd rather avoid the name clash.
>  > Btw, i've got one question about libdbi integer types...
>  >
>  > Oracle does not make any difference between 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes  
> integer (from
>  > an OCI point of vue).
>  > So, as far i've seen about libdbi implementation of datatype (use  
> of unions
>  > and checks on the integer type flag), there 's no easy and pretty  
> way to
>  > deal with it.... does all other libbdi drivers have no problems  
> like that ?
>  >
> SQlite is essentially typeless. I.e. it won't even distinguish between
> text and integer. SQLite3 has something called "column affinities"
> which helps to distinguish between text and other data types. However,
> there is no support for different integer types either.
> The sqlite/sqlite3 drivers use whatever type the column was declared
> with. Although it doesn't make a difference to SQLite, you *can*
> declare a column as TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, or BIGINT, and the
> drivers rely on you (as a programmer) doing so. OTOH, SQLite wouldn't
> barf if you store a long long value in a column declared as
> TINYINT. You wouldn't even lose data if you retrieve the value with
> sqlite. libdbi would reduce the data to a 1 byte integer upon
> retrieval though.
> How does Oracle deal with this? Is there just one integer type? What
> size is it? Are there any compatibility types to deal with imported
> data, like MySQL and other engines do?
> regards,
> Markus
> --
> Markus Hoenicka
> markus.hoeni...@cats.de
> (Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")
> http://www.mhoenicka.de
> -- 
> Vincent Rogier
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