From: Lowell Feld <>

I just found out this morning from a friend that a bunch of my emails
were stolen and are available publicly, online, in a Yahoo group. Ugh.

Any thoughts on what I can do about this, other than contacting Yahoo
security (already did) and filing a police report (already did)?

I really would like this Yahoo group with my stolen emails - actually,
they're mostly emails from OTHER people TO me - deleted immediately.
I'm concerned that they said stuff they wouldn't want made public
(e.g., saying harsh things about someone). Yahoo tells me I'll hear
back in 24-48 hours, which seems ridiculously slow.

Any other ideas? Do you know any good hackers or online security
people who don't charge a small fortune?


- Lowell

P.S. This apparently went on for about 5 years, from December 2005 to
March 2011 (see  I'm utterly


FYI -- here is Lowell's bio:

Lowell Feld is founder and editor of Blue Virginia, the largest
progressive blog in Virginia. In 2003, Feld was heavily involved
in the Draft Wesley Clark movement, running two grassroots websites —
Environmentalists for Clark and Hispanics for Clark. In early 2006,
Feld co-founded the Draft James Webb movement, gathering 1,000
signatures and $40,000 in pledges for a Webb candidacy in just a few
weeks. In July 2006, Feld joined the Webb for Senate campaign as its
netroots coordinator, helping to raise more than $4 million online
(out of about $8 million total).  In 2008, Feld consulted for the
South Dakota Democratic Party and the Judy Feder for Congress
campaign. He is co-author of the book, "Netroots Rising: How a Citizen
Army of Progressive Bloggers and Online Activists is Changing American
Politics." In addition, Feld has 17+ years of experience in world oil
markets as an analyst and team leader with the U.S. Energy Information
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