On 5/24/13 3:04 PM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:56:32PM -0700, Yosem Companys wrote:
From: Dan Gillmor <d...@gillmor.com>

Given the vanishingly small likelihood that companies or governments
will do anything about cell phone tracking, I'm interested in what
countermeasures we can take individually. The obvious one is to turn
off GPS except on rare occasions.

I'll be discussing all this in an upcoming book, and in my Guardian
column soon. So I'd welcome ideas.
Pull out the battery. That's the only thing that's guaranteed
to work.

Even with GPS switched off you can be triangulated by base
stations by receiving a silent text.

RF-shielding Faraday containers you can drop your mobile devices into:
e.g., http://www.faradaybag.com/


Gregory Foster || gfos...@entersection.org
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