Just stumbled across this post and thought it might be of interest to
some on the list.

"In a nutshell, Cryptogeddon is an online cyber security war game. The
game consists of various missions, each of which challenges the
participant to apply infosec tools to solve technology puzzles – an
online scavenger hunt, if you will. Each mission comes with a solution
that teaches the participant which tools to use and how to apply the
tools to solve the mission."

Further on the article describes the tools one may need to use,
including but not limited to:

* TrueCrypt
* Metasploit & Kali
* Nessus
* Amazon Web Services
* w3af
* Linux, Windows, OS X
* Apache, IIS
* GitHub
* VirtualBox
* Sysinternals


  Scott Elcomb
  @psema4 on Twitter / Identi.ca / Github & more

  Atomic OS: Self Contained Microsystems

  Member of the Pirate Party of Canada
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