Analysis of the growing significance of hacking groups in the war in Syria.
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Syria's Hacker Wars
Internet hacking groups increasingly significant in Syrian war

8 October 2013. Internet hacking groups are a significant and growing feature 
of the war in Syria. A new development is the open association of some hacking 
groups with on-the-ground militant groups from both sides.

The Syrian civil war is the first to happen in the full throes of the new cyber 
environment, where mobile technologies, social media, digital natives, and 
internet surveillance have created a potent mix. This war is being fought in 
and through cyberspace. The Assad regime and the Syrian opposition rely on the 
internet and social media to organize, communicate, influence public opinion, 
attract local followers, garner international support, and exercise command and 
control over operations.

The opposition's use of cyber tools are mostly tactical, but serve to support 
an overall strategic aim of toppling the regime. By contrast, the regime – 
being in control of the country’s internet infrastructure – has been more 
strategic in its approach.

Common to both sides is the emergence of hacking groups that seek to silence 
their enemies. The evolution of Syria’s hacking wars is something to watch –- 
inside Syria and globally.
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About This Project

This FlashNote is an output of the Syrian Digital Safety Project - SalamaTech - 
that seeks to improve the online safety and security of the Syrian people and 
to enhance the free flow of information in Syria. SalamaTech provides guidance, 
training and toolsets dedicated to enhancing digital safety and openness in 
Syria. The project is administered by The SecDev Foundation with funding from 
granting bodies in North America.

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The SecDev Foundation is a Canadian not-for-profit organization that seeks to 
broaden global public awareness and understanding in three core programme 
areas: cyber empowerment; the sources of security and resilience; and armed 
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