On 03/14/14 19:56, Julian Oliver wrote:
> ..on Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 10:46:30AM -0700, Lucas Gonze wrote:
>> Let's say web servers auto generated self-signed certificates for any
>> domain that didn't supply its own certificate, likely one from an authority.
>> What that would accomplish is to make the stream unreadable over the wire,
>> unless the attacker was willing and able to do an MITM with their own auto
>> generated self-signed certificate.
>> It would not be hard to do that MITM, but it would be orders of magnitude
>> more expensive than copying unencrypted bytes off the router. It would not
>> be practical to do the MITM against a large portion of traffic. The
>> attacker would have to pick their targets.
>> Thoughts?

> It would be good if Debian and other popular GNU/Linux LAMP distributions made
> OpenSSL/TLS key generation (and set up of a VirtualHost template for :443) an
> encouraged option during an Apache installation (OpenSSL is a dependency
> anyway). It could be a simple walkthrough with Qs for CN and admin email,
> abstracting over the classic and ungainly: 
>     openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out 
> /etc/ssl/localcerts/apache.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/localcerts/apache.key

One could also automatically derive the DNSSEC-DANE TLSA record from
that server certificate and mail it to the sysadmin. Include a paragraph
that explains that by publishing that record, the site has stronger
protections against MitM-attacks than possible with CA-bought certificates.

(the downside is that user need to install the Extended-DNSSEC-Validator
plug in).

Regards, Guido.

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