On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Aymeric Vitte <vitteayme...@gmail.com>

>  Please read again what I have written, your answer just extracts really
> basic parts out of the context and does not take into account the whole
> picture that I have explained, I already read the link you provided some
> years ago, I recall it as trivial and/or too old statements unfortunately
> having still enough visibility on the web to disinform people.

I read what you wrote. You're wrong. You are very, very wrong.

The code loading is an unsolvable issue unless you do what I have writen.

Loading JavaScript of any kind over plaintext HTTP is a bad idea. Loading
JavaScript implementing cryptography is a sign you have no fucking clue
what you're doing. It's the equivalent of a giant "DANGER WILL ROBINSON:

Extensions, plug-in, add-on can not secure you more than a js code that you
> can not hide

Browser extensions are cryptographically signed. Plaintext HTTP is
trivially rewritten by an attacker. Systems like Peersm are horrendously
vulnerable to an active attacker.

> And at the end, what I am talking about is a standalone js app inside
> browsers, this is highly doubtful that someone can question the security of
> this, I would like to see it (but then please read exactly what I wrote)

If someone has a "privileged network position" (i.e. your barista), they
can catastrophically compromise the alleged "security" of such a system via
an incredibly trivial MitM attack.

This same attack cannot be performed against cryptographically signed
browser extensions. Even adding HTTPS to your HTML/JS site would be a step

This app is poorly implemented and dangerous and it would be best for you
to either find some way to serve it over HTTPS or delete it from the
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