So is it like using Diaspora?

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Jonathan Frederickson <> wrote:

> > i've posted some issues i have with their privacy policy here, but
> > haven't had time to follow up.  if they're compliant with data requests
> > on the official servers, would it suffice to have more servers?  most
> > people would end up in the official ones, since they're being
> > recommended by default when you install the android app.
> It would only help if you're sure not to communicate with users on the
> servers (or any other server whose privacy policy you
> disagree with). To a certain extent that's just a reality of using a
> federated service - it exists across multiple servers, each of which
> must comply with local laws and likely has its own privacy policy.
> Realistically, if you're concerned about that, use end-to-end crypto.
> Re: most users being on the official servers, there was actually some
> interesting discussion about that in the Matrix HQ room a few hours
> ago. A quote from Matthew, who I believe is the project lead:
> >in terms of visible traffic, i don't know that we've actually counted the
> total, but on a daily basis about 20% of the traffic passing through
> HS is incoming via federation, iirc.
> while most users are using the official server, a good chunk of
> Matrix use is through unofficial servers.
> --
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