Hello Jeff Hartrzler:

> You support Sanctuary States but with gradual removing of all welfare 
entitlements and amnesty? 


> That makes me sick. 

Really? What makes ME sick is making criminals of individuals who come to 
America to work and 
make a better life for themselves.

> What you don't you
 and other people understand? They are breaking the law. My grandmother 
> millions of other people have come in the correct way and through 
the front door. 

There is an "argument that illegal immigrants are undesirable because they are 
'breaking the law,' demonstrating that they have no intent to live productive, 
law-abiding lives once they come here. This is meant to make it sound as if 
lawmakers are only opposed to illegal immigration, not to immigration as such. 
Yet these same politicians have spent decades erecting barriers against legal 
immigration. The current annual quota for legal immigrants from Mexico, for 
example, is 75,000 - hundreds of thousands less than the actual number of 
immigrants who desire to come here, and who have willing employers waiting to 
hire them. (Mexican President Vincente Fox has petitioned the US to raise the 
quota to 250,000, which is closer to the actual demand.) Having made legal 
immigration impossible for hundreds of thousands of 
people - in effect, requiring them to break the law to seek a better 
life - the anti-immigrationists then scream that these people are 
law-breakers." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual Activist"
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.) 

> Why should we reward bad/wrong/illegal behavior?

Because... "Having made legal immigration impossible for hundreds of thousands 
of people - in effect, requiring them to break the law to seek a better life - 
the anti-immigrationists then scream that these people are law-breakers." 
(Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual Activist" 
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.) 

"One of the key evasions of the anti-immigration crusade is that all
 of the scrutiny it imposes on immigrants is dropped when looking at 
native-born Americans.... Thus, for example, Mexican immigrants are 
blamed for allegedly coming here to take advantage of America's welfare 
state - but equal outrage is rarely summoned for the much larger number 
of native-born Americans who live off the welfare system. Or critics 
intone sanctimoniously that immigrants ought to expected to comply with 
all of the Byzantine requirements and onerous expenses imposed by the 
INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] - while native-born 
Americans are somehow entitled to complain bitterly about strangulating 
red tape every April 15, when we are forced to deal with the IRS 
[Internal Revenue Service]. And so we have to ask: if our culture is so 
weak that it can't induct immigrants into American culture - how is it 
going to induct the next generation of native-born Americans, a group at
 least three to four times as large?" (Source: Article appearing in "The
 Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

> Since
 you are a proponent of amnesty, welfare, and other big government 


Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants: YES
Welfare: NO. I favor the gradual elimination of ALL welfare, both social & 
Big Government Measures: NO!

Please take the time to CAREFULLY read what I write.

> please explain to me why I, an individual who makes 9.25 an 
hour and works 40 hours  and lives
> without any government assistance, 
must watch families and individuals pay with government
> issued food 
stamps to purchase name-brand food products and other luxuries while I 
must purchase > the Great-Value brand in order to survive. My taxes 
support people to eat better than me? 

I am AGAINST all WELFARE! Period. What you are writing is unjust, and I will do 
EVERYTHING in my power if elected to the Florida State House of Representatives 
(District 33) to end ALL welfare!

> Clearly, I do not make 
enough to pay the Federal Income Tax, but nonetheless, it angers me when
> people like you are running around screaming racism and amnesty for 
these people. I am willing to 
> bet most Americans don't give a damn if 
you are white, black, brown, green, purple, or yellow, we 
> should not 
reward anyone for breaking the law.

There is an "argument that illegal immigrants are undesirable because 
they are 'breaking the law,' demonstrating that they have no intent to 
live productive, law-abiding lives once they come here. This is meant to
 make it sound as if lawmakers are only opposed to illegal 
immigration, not to immigration as such. Yet these same politicians have
 spent decades erecting barriers against legal immigration. The current 
annual quota for legal immigrants from Mexico, for example, is 75,000 - 
hundreds of thousands less than the actual number of immigrants who 
desire to come here, and who have willing employers waiting to hire 
them. (Mexican President Vincente Fox has petitioned the US to raise the
 quota to 250,000, which is closer to the actual demand.) Having made
 legal immigration impossible for hundreds of thousands of 
people - in effect, requiring them to break the law to seek a better 
life - the anti-immigrationists then scream that these people are 
law-breakers." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual 
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.) 

> Lastly, I'm not so sure you 
are a libertarian. 

Read carefully what I write and what's in my campaign platform BEFORE making 
such a wrong judgment of me.

> You seem more into the Jesse Jackson way of life, 
"Gotta get me mine." 

You are VERY WRONG about me. I am against ALL welfare, both social and 

> You care more about helping "your people" 
(supporting someone based solely on similar ethnic
> background is 
Neanderthal type behavior) than protecting the rights of America's 
citizens which 
> these illegal immigrants infringe upon.


I care more for the concept of individual rights and liberties - regardless of 
race, nationality, or ethnicity.

"The first and most fundamental argument in favor of
 unrestricted immigration is a moral argument. Immigration is about the 
individual's right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,' a 
right that is universal and applies to all men [and women], whether they
 were born in America or not. That includes a foreigner's right to come 
to the United States, to rent or buy a home from an American, and to 
accept a job from an American employer - his [or her] right to pursue 
'the American dream." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual 
Activist" Magazine entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 
'Assimilation' Dilemma" written by Robert Tracinski.)

 unjust law is no law at all and is worthy of disrespect and not being followed.

Please take the time to read the following, especially the BOLDED items:

1) As Immigrants Move In, Americans Move Up - 
 Opposition to Immigration is Un-American - 
 Immigration: Why the Debate is Tragically Flawed - 
 Jason Riley (of the CATO Institute) Assails Myths of Immigration - 
 Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights on Open Immigration - 
 Immigration and Individual Rights: Does a foreigner have a moral right 
to move to America? And should America welcome him? - 
 Immigration Quotas vs. Individual Rights: The Moral and Practical Case 
for Open Immigration - Entry into the U.S. should ultimately be free for
 any foreigner, with the exception of criminals, would-be terrorists, 
and those carrying infectious diseases. - 
 Legalize The American Dream: Immigration is in America's Self-Interest -
 If anti-immigration groups are really after American self-interest, 
they should open their eyes to the tremendous benefits that free 
immigration offers to America. - 


Franklin Perez (Libertarian)
Florida State House 
Candidate (District 33) - Year 2010
Libertarian and Independent! Not 
Beholden to Party Politics!
(407) 694-7805

From: jeff_hartz...@knights.ucf.edu
To: perezfrank...@hotmail.com; semcountyl...@yahoogroups.com; 
lp...@yahoogroups.com; libertarian@yahoogroups.com; lp...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House 
(District 33) Franklin Perez Proposes Solution to Illegal Immigration Problem! 
Legalize Open Immigration & Remove Welfare!
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 10:51:25 -0400

Hi Mr. Franklin Perez,

You support Sanctuary States but with gradual removing of all welfare 
entitlements and amnesty? 

That makes me sick. What you don't you and other people understand? They are 
breaking the law. My grandmother and millions of other people have come in the 
correct way and through the front door. Why should we reward bad/wrong/illegal 

Since you are a proponent of amnesty, welfare, and other big government 
measures, please explain to me why I, an individual who makes 9.25 an hour and 
works 40 hours  and lives without any government assistance, must watch 
families and individuals pay with government issued food stamps to purchase 
name-brand food products and other luxuries while I must purchase the 
Great-Value brand in order to survive. My taxes support people to eat better 
than me? 

Clearly, I do not make enough to pay the Federal Income Tax, but nonetheless, 
it angers me when people like you are running around screaming racism and 
amnesty for these people. I am willing to bet most Americans don't give a damn 
if you are white, black, brown, green, purple, or yellow, we should not reward 
anyone for breaking the law.

Lastly, I'm not so sure you are a libertarian. You seem more into the Jesse 
Jackson way of life, "Gotta get me mine." You care more about helping "your 
people" (supporting someone based solely on similar ethnic background is 
Neanderthal type behavior) than protecting the rights of America's citizens 
which these illegal immigrants infringe upon.


Jeff Hartzler

From: perezfrank...@hotmail.com
To: semcountyl...@yahoogroups.com; lp...@yahoogroups.com; 
libertarian@yahoogroups.com; lp...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House (District 
33) Franklin Perez Proposes Solution to Illegal Immigration Problem! Legalize 
Open Immigration & Remove Welfare!
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 12:51:29 +0000

PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House 
(District 33) Franklin Perez Proposes Solution to Illegal Immigration 
Problem! Legalize Open Immigration & Remove Welfare!

From: perezfrank...@hotmail.com
To: w...@salemorlando.com; edi...@seminolechronicle.com; n...@foxwofl.com; 
insi...@orlandosentinel.com; n...@wdbo.com; d...@wesh.com; n...@wftv.com; 
w...@wmfe.org; edi...@cfadvocate.com; cba...@bizjournals.com; 
n...@orlando-times.com; jbill...@orlandoweekly.com; 
mcort...@osceolanewsgazette.com; isa...@observernewspapers.com; 
tcr...@observernewspapers.com; k...@observernewspapers.com; 
bma...@orlandoweekly.com; wmfen...@wmfe.org; skuber...@orlandoweekly.com; 
jstr...@orlandoweekly.com; abeabor...@gmail.com; lp120....@gmail.com; 
superchan...@superchannel.com; wvend...@entravision.com; 
j...@orlandoheritage.com; noelle.sli...@foxtv.com; i...@tv45.org; 
n...@laprensaorlando.com; gju...@mysanfordherald.com; 
bligg...@sanfordherald.com; ow...@sanfordherald.com; n...@sanfordherald.com; 
apopkach...@earthlink.net; bbcla...@bellsouth.net; newsd...@eosun.com; 
rpala...@orlandosentinel.com; re...@dioceseofvenice.org; madison...@aol.com; 
smaxw...@orlandosentinel.com; smcbr...@orlandosentinel.com; 
srec...@orlandosentinel.com; bwhi...@orlandoweekly.com; 
l...@kearneypublishing.com; hillary.pfeif...@wftv.com; lmcdon...@local6.com; 
tufue...@telenoticias.net; tra...@greenlifenews.org; woti...@aol.com; 
kathy.ke...@news-jrnl.com; me...@news-jrnl.com; ja...@teapartypatriotslive.com; 
vra...@orlandosentinel.com; happyt...@orlandoweekly.com; 
channe...@daytonastate.edu; wesh2n...@gmail.com; lett...@orlandoweekly.com; 
ra...@teapartypatriotslive.com; mtho...@orlandosentinel.com; 
jrthompso...@gmail.com; fmacdon...@seminolecountyfl.gov; 
jspr...@seminolecountyfl.gov; desw...@seminolecountyfl.gov; 
gv...@seminolecountyfl.gov; alockh...@seminolecountyfl.gov; 
mlandr...@cityofoviedo.net; dpersampi...@cityofoviedo.net; 
shen...@cityofoviedo.net; kbrit...@cityofoviedo.net; ssche...@cityofoviedo.net; 
jfb...@winterspringsfl.org; jho...@winterspringsfl.org; 
rbr...@winterspringsfl.org; gbon...@winterspringsfl.org; 
smcgin...@winterspringsfl.org; jkr...@winterspringsfl.org; 
mruss...@orlandosentinel.com; frie...@foxnews.com; m...@glennbeck.com; 
glennb...@foxnews.com; ontherec...@foxnews.com; floridiansun...@gmail.com; 
CC: scottbland2...@hotmail.com; ja...@jasonbrodeur.com; l...@voteleocruz.com; 
i...@jamesdecocq.com; al...@electalicesterling.com
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House (District 
33) Franklin Perez Proposes Solution to Illegal Immigration Problem! Legalize 
Open Immigration & Remove Welfare!
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 12:48:51 +0000

PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House (District 33) 
Franklin Perez Proposes Solution to Illegal Immigration Problem! Legalize Open 
Immigration & Remove Welfare!

Dear Members of the Press and Public:

My name is Franklin Perez, and I'm running in year 2010 for the Florida State 
House of Representatives (District 33) with a Libertarian platform. You may 
view information about my campaign by going to the http://www.fperez1776.com 

In light of the recent anti-Immigration Law passed in Arizona, I found it 
necessary to explain my position on the Illegal Immigration issue. I never 
thought I'd have to issue a PRESS RELEASE on this issue, since it's primarily a 
federal matter, but since the Arizona Legislature passed its anti-immigration 
Law, it has now become a State issue for EVERY person running for a State 
Legislative seat.

The CATO institute has made several commentaries on this terrible law, which 
are listed below:
1) Arizona Turns Immigrant Workers into Criminals - 
2) Misguided Fears of Crime Fuel Arizona Immigration Law - 

I have ALREADY commented about my position on the Illegal Immigration issue 
back in July 3, 2010 when Jeff Hartzler, ex-candidate for Oviedo City Council, 
posed the question to me. You may view the content of this e-mail by going to 
the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SemCountyLibs/message/3251 hyperlink.

Below is an updated version of that e-mail....


Hello Jeff Hartzler:

You asked in a 7/1/09 e-mail: What is 
Franklin Perez's position on illegal immigration?

I agree with 
the sentiment indicated in the article, which may be seen at the 
 hyperlink, entitled "The Solution to 'Illegal Immigration'" written by 
Harry Binswanger:
"The problem of 'illegal' immigration can be solved
 at the stroke of a pen: legalize immigration. Screen all you want 
(though I want damn little), but remove the quotas. Phase them out over a
 5- or 10-year period. Grant immediate, unconditional amnesty to all 
'illegal' immigrants."

I support Open Immigration and the 
Sanctuary State concept with the gradual and eventual removal of all 
welfare entitlements - both corporate, social, and individual. I refer 
you to the article, which may be seen at the 
 hyperlink, entitled "Immigration Quotas vs. Individual Rights: The 
Moral and Practical Case for Open Immigration" written by Harry 
Binswanger. I also refer you to another good article, which may be seen 
at the http://www.fff.org/freedom/fd0410e.asp
 hyperlink, entitled "In Defense of Open Immigration" written by Anthony

Below are more hyperlinks describing the Case for Open 
1) Open Immigration vs. Xenophobia: It's a series of 
other hyper linked articles - 
 Title: Willing Workers: Fixing the Problem of Illegal Mexican Migration
 to the United States
    Author: Daniel Griswold
    Hyperlink: http://www.freetrade.org/node/44

As an aside: One of the other problems you have by not having 
Open Immigration is
that there is a class of Illegal Immigrants that are afraid of
contacting law enforcement. What then happens is that when a REAL crime
is done against an illegal immigrant, the illegal immigrant is not
likely to want to report the crime to law enforcement or cooperate with 
law enforcement for fear of being deported. Thus, REAL crime
- such as rape, murder, theft, stealing, fraud, etc. - do not get
reported to law enforcement. Thus, law enforcement is not able to gain
the cooperation from the illegal immigrant communities in helping stop
REAL crime. Thus, REAL Crimes tend to be far worse problem in illegal 
immigrant communities than elsewhere.

I agree with the following:
 "The Libertarian Party has long perceived
the importance of allowing free and open immigration, understanding
that this leads to a growing and more prosperous America. We condemn
the xenophobic immigrant bashing that would build a wall around the
United States. At the same time, we recognize that the right to enter 
the United States does not include the right to economic entitlements 
such as welfare. The freedom to immigrate is a freedom of 
opportunity, not a guarantee of a handout. (Source: Libertarian 
Party article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"The first and most fundamental argument in favor of
 unrestricted immigration is a moral argument. Immigration is about the 
individual's right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,' a 
right that is universal and applies to all men [and women], whether they
 were born in America or not. That includes a foreigner's right to come 
to the United States, to rent or buy a home from an American, and to 
accept a job from an American employer - his [or her] right to pursue 
'the American dream." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual 
Activist" Magazine entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 
'Assimilation' Dilemma" written by Robert Tracinski.)

burden is on advocates of these restrictions to say what gives them the moral
 right to do so.... [Nobody] in the current anti-immigration 
movement ever bothers even to ask that question." (Source: Article 
appearing in "The Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

“America has always been a nation 
of immigrants.... Contrary to stereotypes, there is no evidence that 
immigrants come to this country to receive welfare…. [I]mmigrants 
actually use welfare at lower rates than do native-born Americans…. Most
 immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits.”
 (Source: Libertarian Party article entitled “Benefits of Open 
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from 
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"A policy of open immigration will advance the 
economic well-being of all Americans. All major studies of immigrants 
indicate that they have a high labor force participation, are 
entrepreneurial, and tend to have specialized skills that allow them to 
enter under-served markets. Although it is a common misconception that 
immigrants 'take jobs away from native-born Americans,' this does not 
appear to be true. In 1989, the U.S. Department of Labor reviewed nearly
 100 studies on the relationship between immigration and unemployment 
and concluded that 'neither U.S. workers nor most minority workers 
appear adversely affected by immigration." (Source: Libertarian Party 
article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"Indeed most studies show that immigrants actually lead to an 
increase in the number of jobs available. Immigrants produce jobs in 
several ways: 1) The expand the demand for goods and services through 
their own consumption; 2) They bring savings with them that contribute 
to overall investment and productivity; 3) They are more highly 
entrepreneurial than native-born Americans and create jobs through the 
businesses they start; 4) They fill gaps in the low and high ends of the
 labor markets, producing subsidiary jobs for American workers; 5) 
Low-wage immigrants may enable threatened American businesses to survive
 competition from low-wage businesses abroad; and 6) They contribute to 
increased economic efficiencies through economies of scale."  (Source: 
Libertarian Party article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"Confirmation can be seen in a study by economists 
Richard Vedder and Lowell Galloway of Ohio University and Stephen Moore 
of the Cato Institute. They found that states with the highest rates of 
immigration during the 1980s also had the highest rates of economic 
growth and lowest rates of unemployment." (Source: Libertarian Party 
article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"Have you heard that illegal immigrants don't 
'contribute their fair share' of taxes? In fact, 62 percent of illegal 
immigrants pay income taxes, not by filing returns, but through the 
taxes withheld from their wages by their employers. Two thirds of these 
immigrants also pay Social Security taxes, even though they will never 
be eligible to collect benefits." (Source: Article appearing in "The 
Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"The impact of immigrants on taxes is more equivocal. Most immigrants
pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits. However, the
 majority of immigrant taxes are paid to the federal government, while 
immigrants tend to use mostly state and local services. This can place 
burden on states and localities in high immigration areas." (Source: 
Libertarian Party article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"However, the answer to this problem lies not in 
cutting off immigration, but in cutting the services that immigrants 
consume. The right to immigrate does not imply a right to welfare - or 
any other government services. Moreover, this is not simply a matter of 
saving tax money. [I believe]... that most government welfare programs 
are destructive to the recipients themselves. Thus, immigrants would 
actually be better off without access to these programs." (Source: 
Libertarian Party article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

"As Edward Crane, President of the Cato Institute, 
has put it: 'Suppose we increased the level of immigration, but the rule
 would be that immigrants and their descendants would have no access to 
government social services, including welfare, Social Security, health 
care, business subsidies, and the public schools. I would argue, first, 
that there would be no lack of takers for that proposition, Second, 
within a generation, we would see those immigrants' children going to 
better and cheaper schools than the average citizen; there would be less
 poverty, a better work ethic, and proportionately more entrepreneurs 
than in the rest of the U.S. society; and virtually everyone in that 
group would have inexpensive high-deductible catastrophic health 
insurance, while the 'truly needy' would be cared for by an immigrant 
culture that have proportionately more to charity.'" (Source: 
Libertarian Party article entitled “Benefits of Open
Immigration” written by Michael Tanner & printed on 10/3/2008 from
the http://www.lp.org/issues/printer_immigration.shtml

In the interest of fairness, I would also propose 
moving gradually towards removing all forms of welfare entitlements for 
everyone, including native-born Americans.

"Contrary to 
stereotypes, there is no evidence that immigrants come to this country 
to receive welfare. Indeed, most studies show that immigrants actually 
use welfare at lower rates than do native-born Americans. For example, a
 study of welfare recipients in New York City found that only 7.7% of 
immigrants were receiving welfare compared to 13.3% for the population 
as a whole. Likewise, a nationwide study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor 
Statistics found that 12.8% of immigrants were receiving welfare 
benefits, compared to 13.9% of the general population. Some recent 
studies indicate that the rate of welfare usage may now be equalizing 
between immigrants and native-born Americans, but, clearly, most 
immigrants are not on welfare." (Source: Article appearing in "The 
Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Do Mexicans come here to mooch off
 our welfare system rather than to work? [The answer is no.] .... 
Hispanics start new businesses at a rate three times higher than the 
national average; in 2002, 1.6 million Hispanic-owned businesses 
generated $222 billion in revenue. As for welfare and other 'social 
services,' only 5 percent of Mexican illegal immigrants receive food 
stamps or unemployment benefits, while only 10 percent have children in
 the public schools." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual 
Activist" Magazine
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Have Mexican immigrants caused a 
crime wave? A survey of national crime statistics concluded that 
'immigrants are generally less involved in crime than similarly situated
 groups." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual Activist" 
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

What is criminal
 is to make criminals of individuals who come to America to work and 
make a better life for themselves.

As "the end of the 2005 
[session of Congress] approached, House Republicans attempted to appease
 their conservative 'base' by calling for a sweeping new assault on 
immigration, pushing through a bill imposing draconian new penalties on 
illegal immigrants.... The House Republicans who have promoted this 
anti-immigration campaign stand for a giant fraud. They claim to be 
patriots, acting out of a desire to protect America from an 'invasion' 
of illegal immigrants. In reality, they are promoting an agenda that is 
thoroughly un-American, both in its goal and in its methods." 
(Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Consider the... [proposed 2005] 
anti-immigration bill. The bill's most odious provision would make 
illegal immigrants guilty of an 'aggravated felony' - the kind of 
criminal charge reserved for armed robbers and rapists - simply for 
seeking work in America. The purpose of this draconian provision? Anyone
 convicted of an aggravated felony is automatically rendered ineligible 
for US citizenship - which means that the purpose of this measure is to 
make illegal immigrants into permanent outcasts who can never legally be
 integrated into American society. But it is not just immigrants who are
 to be made into criminals. Extending the provisions of a law originally
 drafted to target drug smugglers, this bill would brand as 'human 
traffickers' anyone who even offers aid or support to an illegal 
immigrant. This means that a whole segment of Americans - including 
employers and even family members of immigrants - will be threatened 
with criminal prosecution and jail time." (Source: Article appearing in 
"The Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Texas Congressman John Culberson 
defended this [2005 proposed] anti-immigration police state by 
explaining - in an inadvertent comment on the quality of our current 
political leadership - that he is merely responding to the will of his 
constituents, who are 'berserk with fury over the unprotected borders.' 
Someone has gone berserk, but it is unfair of politicians to project 
that hysterical state of mind onto their constituents. Rather, it is the
 House Republicans who hava abandoned their capacity for rational 
thinking and self-control." (Source: Article appearing in "The 
Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"In place of rational thinking, the anti-immigrationists have 
substituted a series of rationalizations meant to disguise the real 
meaning and motive of their policies." (Source: Article appearing in 
"The Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"One of the key evasions of the anti-immigration crusade is that all
 of the scrutiny it imposes on immigrants is dropped when looking at 
native-born Americans.... Thus, for example, Mexican immigrants are 
blamed for allegedly coming here to take advantage of America's welfare 
state - but equal outrage is rarely summoned for the much larger number 
of native-born Americans who live off the welfare system. Or critics 
intone sanctimoniously that immigrants ought to expected to comply with 
all of the Byzantine requirements and onerous expenses imposed by the 
INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] - while native-born 
Americans are somehow entitled to complain bitterly about strangulating 
red tape every April 15, when we are forced to deal with the IRS 
[Internal Revenue Service]. And so we have to ask: if our culture is so 
weak that it can't induct immigrants into American culture - how is it 
going to induct the next generation of native-born Americans, a group at
 least three to four times as large?" (Source: Article appearing in "The
 Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Wombs versus Minds: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Some critics cite the chaos, 
lawlessness, and organized crime that afflicts border areas, especially 
in Texas, that are overrun by illegal border crossings. But, as with the
 gang violence of the Prohibition era, these are the results, not of a 
failure to block immigration, but of precisely the opposite. Legalized 
immigration could be done in the open, at approved border crossings 
easily monitored by US law enforcement officers, who could maintain 
order and screen out [real] criminals. Instead, tight legal limits on 
immigration (along with [useless and costly] drug prohibition laws [that
 violate a consenting adult's right to liberty and happiness] make 
cross-border smuggling profitable and give immigrants a reason to 
trample over private land." (Source: Article appearing in "The 
Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"A variant of this complaint is the
 argument that illegal immigrants are undesirable because they are 
"breaking the law," demonstrating that they have no intent to live 
productive, law-abiding lives once they come here. This is meant to make
 it sound as if lawmakers are only opposed to illegal 
immigration, not to immigration as such. Yet these same politicians have
 spent decades erecting barriers against legal immigration. The... 
[2005] annual quota for legal immigrants from Mexico, for example, is 
75,000 - hundreds of thousands less than the actual number of immigrants
 who desire to come here, and who have willing employers waiting to hire
 them. ([Ex-]Mexican President Vincent Fox has petitioned the US to 
raise the quota to 250,000, which is closer to the actual demand.) 
Having made legal immigration impossible for hundreds of thousands of 
people - in effect, requiring them to break the law to seek a better 
life - the anti-immigrationists then scream that these people are 
law-breakers." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual Activist"
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

As an aside, I say the following: An
 unjust law is no law at all and is worthy of disrespect.

 is why [the 2005] House Republicans have refused to link their 
crackdown on illegal immigration with any provision to allow existing 
immigrants to legalize their status, or to allow new workers to come to 
the US under a 'guest worker' program. They are not against illegal 
immigration because they favor legal immigration; they are against all 
immigration." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual Activist" 
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Perhaps the most dishonest - and 
unjust - rationalization offered by the anti-immigrationists is their 
complaint that immigrants come here to drain wealth from the American 
welfare state. Why, then, are restrictions on immigration aimed 
precisely at those who seek to work? If the problem is that illegal 
immigrants don't work - then why does this [2005 proposed House]... bill
 seek to make criminals of their employers? (Source: Article 
appearing in "The Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Work is, in fact, the primary 
target of all immigration restriction - and not just low-paying work, 
but work on all levels or productivity. Many other nations have 
immigration restrictions targeted at keeping out menial laboreres, while
 they encourage an influx of educated workers. It is a peculiarity of 
the American system that it is equally interested in discouraging the 
immigration of Mexican day-laborers, Indian computer programmers, and 
Israeli scientists." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual 
Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"The real essence of the 
anti-immigrationists' argument is not that immigrants are unwilling to 
work, but that they are too willing to work, that they are so 
eager to work that they will come here and take "our" jobs - jobs that 
are supposed to be set aside, by government fiat, for American workers. 
Their crude version of being 'pro-American' is that they want to protect
 a supposed monopoly on jobs by native-born Americans, a monopoly 
enforced at the point of a gun." (Source: Article appearing in "The 
Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Thus, just at the point when... 
[it is needed] to rein in the welfare state, the [2005 US House of 
Representatives] Republicans are adopting the welfare-state entitlement 
mentality, but in a crudely nationalistic variation. The premise of the 
anti-immigration crusade is that native-born Americans have a right to 
be hired for menial jobs at high wages, not because they have the skills
 or initiative to perform those jobs productively, but simply because 
they were born in this country." (Source: Article appearing in "The 
Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"The message the 
anti-immigrationists offer to Americans is you shouldn't have to work 
hard or compete for a job. You don't have to show your employer that you
 will be more productive than a Mexican or Indian applicant. You just 
have to assert your right to that job because you were born here - and 
your friends in Congress will enforce your claim by going 'berserk' and 
bashing some heads in." (Source: Article appearing in "The Intellectual 
Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

"Any real American ought to be 
insulted by this offer. The American dream is not about holding a 
make-work job set aside for you by a paternalistic government; it is 
about succeeding through your own effort." (Source: Article appearing in
 "The Intellectual Activist" Magazine
entitled "Americans Against the American Dream"
written by Robert Tracinski.)

Bottom Line: Immigrants give more 
than what they take!

If you have any more questions you would 
like to ask of me on this topic or any other topic, please feel free to 
ask me.


Below are more hyperlinks explaining why America should go back to an Open 
Immigration Policy with removal of ALL Welfare:
1) As Immigrants Move In, Americans Move Up - 
2) Opposition to Immigration is Un-American - 
3) Immigration: Why the Debate is Tragically Flawed - 
4) Jason Riley (of the CATO Institute) Assails Myths of Immigration - 
5) Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights on Open Immigration - 
6) Immigration and Individual Rights: Does a foreigner have a moral right to 
move to America? And should America welcome him? - 
7) Immigration Quotas vs. Individual Rights: The Moral and Practical Case for 
Open Immigration - Entry into the U.S. should ultimately be free for any 
foreigner, with the exception of criminals, would-be terrorists, and those 
carrying infectious diseases. - 
8) Legalize The American Dream: Immigration is in America's Self-Interest - If 
anti-immigration groups are really after American self-interest, they should 
open their eyes to the tremendous benefits that free immigration offers to 
America. - http://www.capitalismmagazine.com/index.php?news=540

ALL the above articles give VERY good and impassioned arguments why American 
should go back to an Open Immigration Policy with eventual removal of ALL 

If anyone from the PUBLIC or PRESS have any more questions you would 
like to ask of me on this topic or any other topic, please feel free to contact 
ask me.


Franklin Perez (Libertarian)
Florida State House 
Candidate (District 33) - Year 2010
Libertarian and Independent! Not 
Beholden to Party Politics!
(407) 694-7805


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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