Please sign this important petition.  Unlike many of the online petitions
out there, this one will actually be used to accomplish something.




Often political debates set high thresholds for participation.  When an
independent or third party candidate manages to meet them, the thresholds
are pushed higher.  Democratic and Republican candidates often only agree to
participate in debates that exclude other choices available to voters.  Yet
when a Democratic or Republican candidate unexpectedly fails to meet the
threshold, it's changed to accommodate them!  The clear intent is to control
the debate by excluding candidates, so that voters are left in the dark.

Voters deserve to hear what every candidate on the ballot has to say. 
Informed decision making is fundamental to a healthy democracy.  Candidates
on the ballot should not be excluded based on the self-fulfilling prophecy
that they are not "electable" -- if they're on the ballot, they are
certainly electable if given a fair chance.  Excluding candidates on the
ballot from debates is contrary to the spirit of democracy and it must stop.

The only threshold for participation should be successfully qualifying for
the ballot under the various state election laws.  Since the process has
been clearly and shamelessly abused, no other threshold can be considered

We call on all candidates to accept debates with any and all of their ballot
qualified opponents.

We call on the media, debate sponsors, and all those involved in election
debates to demand the inclusion of all ballot qualified candidates in
debates, forums, political news coverage, and public speaking
opportunities.  All debates and media coverage of elections should include
all choices available to voters.

We call on citizens like YOU to demand accountability from politicians and
the media by signing this petition! 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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