OK.  McChrystal is out and Petraeus is (back) in.  Musta been a bitch to
have to leave cencom to go back to the field.  Life has gotta suck for the
army man.  Sooo, he's gonna ask for the 2011 withdrawal date to be
rescinded.  But can Barry do that?  I say no.  He's gotta think, above all
else, about getting reelected.  That is what those folks do.  They really
believe it is best for the country.  What egotists!  And he doesn't have the
overwhelming support he enjoyed in 2008.  Many of those voters will not show
up in 2012 which means he must pander to his core.  You know the ones.
Those that wanted the war(s) over a year or two ago.  So, Petraeus will have
to tell him to go stick it.  Then what, or more precisely, who?  Now, lots
of times there are many capable generals waiting in the wings, chomping at
the bits.  But this is different.  Who would want to fight a war where you
can't shoot if you don't know they're the enemy and they all look the same
and none of them have uniforms.  Plus the locals like them better than their
own "government" and you?  We're fighting a "war" where we can fight way
much less than we could in Viet Nam and have even less of a clue who we're
fighting.  The war that Barry inherited and has not acted decisively to get
out of is his real downfall.  Oil slicks?  Sure.  But it is the war.
Economy?  The war.  A major problem with the economy is the war(s).  He is
toast and has no way out.


T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to
specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are
more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.

James Madison

Never will those who wage war tire of deception.

Sun Wu (Tzu)

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