Um, nevermind :) I finally was able to reproduce the problem in the lab and, well, it was my fault. It was a very occasional memory stomp. Sorry for the noise.


On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 14:07:59 -0400, Ken Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a libevent program that wakes up every 20ms and does some processing. For this I use one event and repeatedly call event_add reusing the same event. In the field I see occasional crashes in event_tree_RB_INSERT or event_tree_RB_INSERT_COLOR, but I can't reproduce them in the lab or under valgrind.

If you have seen this kind of crash, or can tell I'm doing something dreadfully wrong, or just can give me a general clue, I would greatly appreciate it.

I built on r309 from the SVN trunk.

Here's one such stack.

        Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
        #0  compare (a=0x8648924, b=0x1) at event.c:136
        136     event.c: No such file or directory.
                in event.c
        (gdb) bt
        #0  compare (a=0x8648924, b=0x1) at event.c:136
#1 0x08063bcd in event_tree_RB_INSERT (head=0x86481cc, elm=0x8648924) at event.c:170 #2 0x0806406e in event_queue_insert (base=0x86481a0, ev=0x8648924, queue=1) at event.c:847
        #3  0x0806429e in event_add (ev=0x8648924, tv=0x86489d4) at event.c:635
        #4  0x08055062 in process_cb (fd=-1, what=1, arg=0x86488b0) at foo.c:335
#5 0x080649a4 in event_base_loop (base=0x86481a0, flags=0) at event.c:313
        #6  0x08064b4a in event_loop (flags=0) at event.c:364
        #7  0x08064b62 in event_dispatch () at event.c:327
        #8  0x08057d42 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbf985764) at foo.c:1061

The code looks kind of like this:

struct event timer_ev;
struct timeval next_wakeup_tv, snooze_tv;

void process_once(void *arg)

/* timer callback, invokes process_once and sets next timer */
void process_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg)
   struct timeval now, then;
   struct timeval delta_tv = {0, 20000};


   /* calculate next wakeup time */
   timeradd(&next_wakeup_tv, &delta_tv, &then);
   next_wakeup_tv = then;

   /* calculate snooze time until then; don't allow it to go negative */
   gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
   if (timercmp(&then, &now, <))
     timersub(&then, &now, &snooze_tv); /* snooze = then - now */
   event_add(&timer_ev, &snooze_tv);

   fprintf(stderr, "%s: snooze={%lu, %6lu} next={%lu, %6lu}\n", __func__,
           snooze_tv.tv_sec, snooze_tv.tv_usec,
           next_wakeup_tv.tv_sec, next_wakeup_tv.tv_usec);

/* bootstrap timer */
void start(void *arg)
   struct timeval now, delta_tv = {0, 20000};
   event_set(&timer_ev, -1, 0, process_cb, arg);
   event_add(&timer_ev, &delta_tv);
   gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
   timeradd(&now, &delta_tv, &next_wakeup_tv);

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