On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Leo 'costela' Antunes
<cost...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> In the process of building the Debian package for 2.0.12, I noticed
> Makefile.am contains VERSION_INFO=6:1:1, but the generated libs have all
> SONAME=*.so.5
> I'm still parsing through the build-system (I'm the new guy helping with
> this package) trying to figure out what's going on, but decided to ask
> around before assuming it was a mistake. So, was this intentional? Am I
> missing something obvious?

No, but you're missing something that will seem obvious in retrospect:
Libtool VERSION_INFO triples don't correspond directly to SONAMEs.

The three elements of the VERSION_INFO triple are:
  * CURRENT: The current version of the ABI.  This increments whenever
a binary interface changes, or a new binary interface is added.
  * REVISION: Which implementation of the "Current" ABI is this?  This
is set to 0 whenever the ABI hits a new version, and increments by one
  * AGE: With how many previous versions of the ABI is "Current"
version backward-compatible? This increments whenever the ABI changes
in a backward compatible way, and

According to the libtool source, different shared-library systems
build their version numbers in different ways.  Linux does
"{Current-age}.age.revision"; freebsd does "current.revision"; Irix
gets downright weird, and so on.

So yeah; nothing to worry about here. :)

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