> Contributions are always welcome :-)
Great! I come from the pgsql world so my observations are on the main code + 
pgsql backend.
> Could you give me an overview of what you think what should be changed
> or improved?
All my remarks are questions rather than affirmations:
_ The use of malloc may be prevented, by requesting a odbx_t* instead than 
odbx_t**. The allocation on the stack will thus reduce processor cache misses.
_ Putting the addresses of backend functions in a structure is risky if someone 
manages to overwrite it. Maybe just statically switching.
_ Compiling the backends separately is a bit excessive, as they are not 
strictly backends since they use the client functions (seeing a backends folder 
I thought the pgsql plugin would talk the pgsql protocol ^^). To me the 
singlelib should be the only possibility (allowing the static switching from 
_ There is no possibility to send the values separately from the statement (as 
with PQexecParams). I would argue it to be the only way to send values (and no 
explicit escaping).
_ Sending values other than strings (just int, double and struct tm), and 
getting them also, like in dbi_result_get_fields from libdbi (but with less 
format bloat ^^).
_ Why having two functions (init+bind) to connect? With pgsql it requires to 
store host and port strings. With a unique function the options could still be 
specified : if before connection, they will try to be matched when connecting, 
if after connection, the backend will try to update them. If these two 
functions are here to speed pooling, I think this feature will be rarely used 
in practice.
_ Casting out the majority of preprocessing instructions (see also debugging 
_ Use of NDEBUG, defined in assert.h, instead of ENABLE_DEBUGLOG, while logging 
in stderr and redirecting it to a file:
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define debug_printf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define debug_printf(...) ((void) 0)
freopen("log.txt", "w", stderr);
_ I like the current error codes - if negative you would have to manually set 
them, and to reorder if one becomes obsolete.
_ The use of void* fields is like unions, unrecommended. At the expense of a 
little more memory (storing all pgconn*, MYSQL*, ... handles side by side), you 
get static type checking.
_ Sometimes I see a chain of -> operators. In x86 each generates a LEA 
instruction, so I would argue to minimize their use as possible.

That's all, I hope no point was unclear. BTW your code was really clean and 
easy to read!

Best regards,

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