On Tue, February 6, 2007 12:35, Anita Jose wrote:

> Can I install libpqxx in netbsd.? When I try to run autogen.sh, its giving
> an error saying Python not available..? Is it necessary to have Python to
> be
> installed to install libpqxx..?

You don't need Python to install libpqxx.  You don't even need Python to
compile libpqxx.  A normal "./configure && make && make install" from an
unpacked source tarball should work fine, with or without Python.  There's
also a pre-made NetBSD package, but that's very old (see the
PackageMaintainers page on the pqxx wiki).

What you are doing, apparently, is regenerating the entire build
environment from scratch.  That normally only makes sense if you're
downloading the source from the revision control repository, and yes, that
requires Python.

If you don't have Python and don't want it (shame--it's a great language
and fun to learn) you can usually get away with copying the configure
script, Makefiles etc. over from a source tarball released around the same
time as the development tree you're trying to rebuild.  But most probably
you can just download the 2.6.9 tarball from pqxx.org and run "./configure
&& make" to build.


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