On Wed, July 18, 2007 04:06, Fei Liu wrote:

> It appears that service threads are stuck in perform...Could this
> potentially be a libpqxx bug? Following is the perform code generated
> the log. Is there any multi-thread libpqxx example or test code I can try?

Of course it's possible that it's a libpqxx bug: all we know right now is
that _something_ is not working.

You could test for libpqxx bugs for this case by making your transactor's
function-call operator empty.  If you still get the bug, then we have a
much simpler case to look at and the main suspect will be libpqxx.

If an empty transactor body does not trigger the problem, try adding back
the minimal set of statements inside your transactor body that reproduces
the lockup.  What you end up with will still tell us a lot about what's
going wrong.

> I have extensively tested my resource pool implementation, it's well
> behaved...

I agree, from what you say it seems very unlikely that the pool would
cause this behaviour.


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