Hi Christina,

I started to remove double includes. These could be identified by a
script (if you want to have that write me a mail). But there is one
problem within this task - called forward includes. I think removing
doubled includes and removing double line spacing within them will be
more than enough.

I think the comment on this include isn't really necessary.

For a well formatted commit message type: "git commit -a" Then your
favorite editor will pop up and you have the possibility to give a short
description of your commit and below that a text as long as you want.


On 02/04/2011 08:50 PM, Christina Roßmanith wrote:
> Hi,
> if the ordering of several bf_svx/ includes is unimportant even more
> blank lines can be removed (first reorder #includes and then group
> similar #includes without spacing, hope it is clear what I mean...). Or
> should I just try to build after reordering? I'll take this file from
> the list if this question as answered.
> This file contains some comments of the type
> // #\d{6}# text
> e.g.
> // #012345# this is need to be able to blah...
> I'm not sure if only the number tag is unimportant or the text isn't
> needed anymore as well.
> The commit message is somewhat cryptic because of the 79 characters limit.
> Christina
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