On 02/22/2011 12:06 AM, Martin Kepplinger wrote:
> Am 21.02.2011 23:08, schrieb Thomas Arnhold:
>> Hi Martin,
>> I've pushed it. Please could you attach such a diff as patch next time?
>> Would be easier to commit it :) Thanks!
>> Thomas
>> On 02/21/2011 10:28 PM, Martin Kepplinger wrote:
>>> This translates the few german code comments in the cctrl directory to
>>> english.
>>> This is contributed under the terms of the MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+ triple
>>> license.
>>> ---
> Hi Thomas,
> So no "git format-patch" and "send-email" anymore? I'm so used to it.
> I'm not a git pro, but I think you actually don't have to _commit_ any
> changes. I directly send git-commits here and you can preserve my sha1.
> I'm not sure if you did that in my case. (strangely, I find my patches
> two times under 2 different git-commits in master now... well, I'm not a
> git-Pro :)
> I would appreciate it if you could check with others (Christina
> Rossmanith for example pushed earlier patches of mine) about how they
> apply a finished git-patch and get back to me if I really should change
> my behaviour. Of course I will happily try to do so if this is consensus
> here! Since I thought I would make life easier for me _and_ you the "git
> way", I just wanted to check once again here.

Hi Martin,

sorry I got this wrong. I applied one using 'git am'
(c5fdfa6f475fc084250). But wasn't sure if all this text in the commit
message should be there. So I manually applied the other two of you.
Yes, send-email is welcome, didn't know that it was your intention with
the commit message :)

The sums are different, because for dialog stuff I changed it (as
described). And for the other one, afaik I removed an additional comment.

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