Am 21.03.2011 18:10, schrieb Michael Meeks:
On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 13:44 +0100, Christina Roßmanith wrote:
I've removed all blocks of code #ifdef'ed by _OLD_FILE_IMPL because it
was never defined. It builds successfully. Could someone please review
to make sure that nothing was deleted accidentally?
@@ -427,7 +425,7 @@ void OslStream::SetSize( sal_uIntPtr nSize )
      maFile.setSize( (sal_uInt64)nSize );


        I would fully remove that :-)

-        if( !hasUno() )

        and hasUno has no side-effects ? ie. changes no global / local / object
state, and calls nothing that does that ?
As far as I understand the code it consists merely of test calls to functions in order to see if they return a valid result. I'm quite sure that you already know whether it has side effects or not... I vote for "it hasn't", but I'm absolutely not sure.

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