Hi Caolán,

On Thursday, 2011-09-01 10:03:40 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-08-31 at 23:54 -0600, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
> > > The attached patch is an attempt to bring some sanity to the situation:
> > 
> > It seems that you have investigate this quite deeply and I would love
> > to commit and push your patch. However, I am a bit scared. Could
> > somebody else who actually understands the issues involved have a
> > look?
> I think we're all too chicken to man-up and look at this one :-)

/me ducks

> I guess the major fear isn't that your code is wrong, it's probably
> right, it's what stuff relying on the old way of doing things will
> change. I've been planning, but delayed on tracking down a mystery 2
> point offset :-), to put together a "did my layout change" regression
> test which would have been perfect to test this.

This indeed may be a problem, users expect documents to render
identical, even if it was wrong before.

> caolan->tor: I suggest bunging this in for now, but putting the old
> algorithm behind an getenv(SAL_OLD_METRICS) or something for easy
> side-by-side testing ?

Good idea. I'd just rename that to VCL_OLD_FONT_METRICS for clarity.

We could also make use of the convwatch tests.

We'll also need comparisons with MS applications for the same document.

> I'd be interested in knowing what effects the change has on typical
> fonts as opposed to the edge cases, i.e. does text rendered in
> Liberation Serif, Sans, Monotype stay basically the same.

Apparently not.


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