<http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=8524330a746da6bd26ca5676b48cdce6bb722380> "Simplify addition of optional components to URE_MORE_{SERVICES,TYPES}." brings the following change:

The URE_MORE_SERVICES and URE_MORE_TYPES bootstrap variables now understand new syntax to not only include a single file (denoted by a plain URI), but also all files within a directory (denoted by the directory's URI enclosed in "<" and ">*").

Consequently, the LibO services.rdb has been moved to a new directory program/services/, and the LibO types (offapi.rdb and oovbaapi.rdb) have been moved to a new directory program/types/.

That way, it is simpler for optionally installed modules to get their services and types registered---just add files to the respective directories.

Of all the .component files currently lumped together into the single LibO services.rdb (see postprocess/packcomponents/makefile.mk), quite a number belong to optional modules and should thus go into discrete .rdbs. There's clean up work ahead... ;)

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