Hi all,

now I want to start with defining the geometry of line caps and soon struggle about definition problems:

The attribute svg:stroke-linecap is defined in ODF1.2 part1 section 20.164 using a reference to http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-SVG11-20030114/ In svg the attribute stroke-linecap can be combined with attibute stroke-dasharray. In this case both Seamonkey and Opera render it in the way, that the caps are added to each dash. So I assume, that it is the correct way for svg.

In ODF1.2 section 19.218.5 exists an attribute draw:style for the element <draw:stroke-dash> with values 'rect' and 'round'. It defines the shape of the dashes.

So the question is, how should the new property linecap work on dashed lines? It is possible, that a document sets linecap = 'round' and dash style = 'rect', which are contradictory. I have found no rule in the ODF1.2 spec to solve it.

Does an ODF conform application exist, that has linecap already implement? Otherwise we could suggest a solution to OASIS.

Microsoft Office has a line property "Endetyp" (German) with values 'Flach', 'Rund', and 'Rechteck' which corresponds to the linecap property. Microsoft Office applies the property to each dash, but the caps are not added to the dashes. Rounding is cut of the flat size of the inner dashes and only added to the outer dashes.

Kind regards

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