Hi Olivier,

On 2012-01-04 at 15:55 +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:

> > WRT to this patch, there are two files; the binary file opens____.ttf
> > and the text file OpenSymbol.sfd.
>       Right - the original / authoritative version should be the .sdf file
> which (IIRC) as well as being 'diff -u' able - so we can see what
> changed, is/was also more descriptive & complete :-)
> > I used fontforge tool under ubuntu to draw the new characters.
>       Great - that's the right approach.
> > The sfd file is generated based on the ttf binaries.
>       So - IMHO it should be the other way around ;-) at least, when I last
> edited that font; if we've fluffed that up I suggest we load the
> original sfd, copy in the new glyphs from the TTF, save it as sfd, and
> re-export as ttf ;-)

I am sorry, but I have just reverted the push of your change based on
what Michael wrote (and I previously too).  Please note that .sfd is the
source, and .ttf is generated.  When you use .sfd as the source in
fontforge, the change will be minimal, not a 85k lines long patch.

Can you please re-try with editing the .sfd in fontforge?

[If you use .ttf as the source, and generate .sfd out of that, it is
similar as if you import .pdf in LO, and export it to .odf - ie. it is
possible, but not what we want, provided that we have the .sfd source.]


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