On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 11:06 PM Jan-Marek Glogowski <glo...@fbihome.de>

> But coming back to the original bug / suggestion to retire the PNGs:
> *the quality of the SVG renderings of the icons at 100% isn't good*. They
> look
> "washed out" in comparison with the unscaled, alternative PNG icons

That's an understatement. SVG icons are currently absolutely atrocious. The
first problem is that LO uses odd icon resolution (25x25), so the lines are
not pixel aligned on export and are blurred/aliased. The second problem is
that with Opengl/Skia enabled, the GPU driver applies some
antialiasing/smoothing on top of that and it ends up looking absolutely
hideous, at least on latest AMD / Intel drivers. No such problems with the
PNG icons or with GDI rendering.
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