Hi Artur,

On Mon, 2012-09-10 at 02:22 +0200, Artur Dorda wrote:
> Somebody on the GSoC mailing list wrote a script gathering all the
> commits of a specific author in to the separate patches and pack it to
> one archive.
> I am supposed to consult with you what code should I send to Google and how.
> Is this method ok?

It looks ok to me.

> The second thing - is there any java-related work now in Libre I could
> help with? That's enough of c++ for a while ;)

There was a Java wizards conversion to python task and it may be not
finished yet. May be that can interest you. In that case, Bjoern is your
man as he was mentoring that GSoc last year and knows the status of it.

There may be other Java-related tasks... but I'm not aware of them
(possibly in Base there are stuffs to fix around that).


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