Hi everybody,

Trying to build from 484bb96aa975, I got an error when doing install sets.
Here is the short error message from instsetoo_native:

ERROR: The following files could not be found:
ERROR: File not found: emserlo.dll
ERROR: File not found: oleautobridge.uno.dll
ERROR: File not found: so_activex.dll
ERROR: Failure in installer.pm
ERROR: ERROR: Missing files at D:/src/libo/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm line 1280

I kept the script log (log_OOO410_en-US.log) if anyone needs it.

My autogen.lastrun is:

I am building with VC2010 Express (so disabled activex & atl) on Win7 x64.
It seems all the mentioned files are relatied to activeX and ole, which may miss because of activex & atl. Is there a way to circumvent that fromscripts ? If not, there is always the WinDDK option to get atl & ùfc files needed anyway. But that means we lose the easy "express" option for MSVC*, though.


Mat M
LibreOffice mailing list

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