I was able to fix the macro to use the same service with startThr and stopThr 
Thanks for your help Stephan and Michael.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rai, Neeraj [ICG-MKTS]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:03 PM
To: 'Michael Stahl'
Cc: 'Stephan Bergmann'; 'libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org'
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-dev] -calling a service function from BASIC macro

Hi Michael,

The links clear up some doubts in my mind.
I am still having trouble with having 2 buttons to act on the same service 
(this is a new problem report).
I created 2 buttons which calls startThr() and stopThr() on my service.
The start works as expected. However, the stop call seems to create a new 
service and fails to stop it.

I tried using a global service variable (button.macros attached), but it is 
giving me syntax error on line 1 "expected Sub ".
I used the attached burger_samples.macros as sample for my macro but I might 
have made some obvious mistakes as this is my 1st macro.
I have also found a book on macros by Andrew Pitonyak and going through it.
Are there are any other resources I could use?

> please read this chapter: 
> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/ProUNO/C%2B%2B/C%2B%2B_Language_Binding
> and especially: 
> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/ProUNO/C%2B%2B/Mapping_of_Interface_Types

> it is generally unsound to retain a plain C++ pointer to an object after
> the first uno::Reference for it has been constructed.  (you may retain a
> rtl::Reference however, which is often convenient because it can contain
> your implementation class directly and not just some UNO interface).

Attachment: startThr.macros
Description: startThr.macros

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