Le 11/10/2013 15:33, Stephan Bergmann a écrit :
If you use the LO git repo to build the mysql-connector-ooo.oxt
extension (via --enable-ext-mariadb-connector, formerly
--enable-ext-mysql-connector) and then use/distribute that extension as
a non-bundled extension (i.e., not unzip it into a LO installation's
share/extensions/ directory):  Please be aware that doing so off the LO
git libreoffice-4-1[-*] and master (towards LO 4.2) branches leads to a
broken extension that should not be distributed.

OK, thanks for the heads up.

"MySQL Native Connector for LibreOffice 4.x" from an UNKNOWN UPLOADER,
which only offers
which is apparently too old to be affected.

"MySQL Native Connector" from an UKNOWN UPLOADER which only offers
which both are apparently too old to be affected.

One of those might be from Dan Lewis, but I don't currently know the status of what he's doing with them at the moment.

* <http://sourceforge.net/projects/lomysqlconnectorextension/> by Alex
Thurgood, which /is/ affected.  Alex, can you make available a fixed
build there, either off master past
or off libreoffice-4-1 past pending integration of

Am rebuilding on Linux 32bit and OSX64bit after a fresh pull from master after your changes went in, so at least those should be ok once they're finished. I'll not be attempting the Linux 64bit til later anyway, after a fresh pull from master again.

As for 4.1, I have to suss out how to switch cleanly between branches with git (i.e. rtfm) before I start on that.


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