Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 21:37:11 EDT
Subject: Re: [LIB] Win98/70CT audio playback: A lost cause?

In a message dated 10/19/2004 2:44:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> Does anyone have a 50ct or 70CT set up with Win98 that
> has been able to consistently play MP3s for hours at a
> time without the playback starting to click
> significantly after an hour or so?


Maybe this is a clue...  I played a CD through my desktop last night to check 
the quality of the copy.  Media Player started by default, and the CD 
playback had the same types of clicks that I've heard on my L100CT, but even more of 
them.  Concerned that I'd gotten a bad copy, I tried WinAmp and voila, smooth 
and click-free playback.  So the moral of the story is...maybe the player has 
an influence.  Have you tried other players than MP and WinAmp?


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