Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 21:42:14 EDT
Subject: Re: [LIB] Need 100CT spare parts

In a message dated 10/19/2004 2:56:04 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> Would anyone have any 100CT spare parts they might be
> willing to part with?  Seems we all hold on to
> everything Libby related in case they may be needed
> down the road somewhere, so I'm guessing the chances
> are slim.
> There are a few things on my 100CT that have broken or
> have been lost along the way.  I'm missing a few case
> screws, the hard drive cover has a spot broken off
> where the screw goes through, and the long thin
> plastic strip covering the top of the keyboard has 2
> latches broken off to where it doesn't grab any more.
> I guess there's always EBay... but if anyone has a
> drawer full of remnants of a bygone age of Libby
> experience... ;-P
> Matt

A whole slew of crippled (no HDD, no PS, no HDD cover or bracket, no battery) 
but functional L100CTs just sold on ebay for an average price of ~$40-$45 
plus $15 shipping.  I almost bought one, but it probably would have incited some 
marital discord ;-)  The screens all had the now-familiar lines, but good 
parting out possibilities.


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