Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 20:01:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Using Lib as PDA?

> but when im at home i use my desktop :-/ ofcourse. I want to use my Lib more
> then i do so i'm considering using it as a PDA. Does anyone knows a good
> application that runs well on my Lib with Win98/64MB, like a good Agenda

  Palm Desktop.  Does a great job at it, free, and you can later sync it with a
Palm PDA if you buy that.

  Outlook, although a bit heavy for the latest versions on a Libretto.

  Old and cheap?
  Lotus Organizer.  Can be had for $10 or less on and works well
for what it is.


  Out of these, I'd use Palm Desktop and they sync it with Yahoo Calendar
online.  This way, you don't even need to have your Libretto with you if you
can get to a web terminal. Plus, easiest to sync with a Palm PDA later if you
buy one.  (But if you have a Windows PDA, Outlook is easier to sync with.)


  If you really want to be silly, you can download the Palm PDA emulator, run
that on your Libretto like I sometimes do for PocketChess, and enter your
agenda into the virtual Palm PDA.

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