
    Consider simple code below which results in Foo::Call method to be actually 
called for _deleted instance_:

    class Foo : public sigc::trackable  {
        void Call() { printf("Foo call\n"); }
    Foo* inst = new Foo();
    auto fun = sigc::mem_fun(inst, &Foo::Call); // <-- bad
    //sigc::slot<void> fun = sigc::mem_fun(inst, &Foo::Call); // <-- good
    delete inst;
    fun(); // <--- ooops!

    The documentation for mem_fun says that "...only if the object type 
inherits from sigc::trackable 
<https://developer.gnome.org/libsigc++/stable/structsigc_1_1trackable.html> is 
the slot automatically cleared...", but the problem is that result of mem_fun 
is not a slot, but a bound_mem_fun which for some reason doesn't track 
referenced object lifetime even if it inherits from trackable. If result of 
mem_fun is put explicitly into a slot, then everything works fine and Call() 
method is not called after instance is freed.

    For me it looks like a typical "shoot in the foot" for C++11 programs and 
should be indeed fixed. Just in case - issue is reproducible in current master 

BR, Andrey
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