On 10/20/2010 2:31 AM, Peter Rosin wrote:
> Den 2010-10-05 13:33 skrev Peter Rosin:
>> I have implemented exactly that and just posted this to the MinGW patch
>> tracker:
>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3081421&group_id=2435&atid=302435
> The silence is deafening. 
> Chuck, have you looked at this?

Yes, I have -- but MSYS patches are Cesar's domain.  I guess I could
ping him...


Looks like Cesar responded earlier today.  Coincidence?

I understand wanting to keep the current (popup-showing) behavior for
most MSYS process trees, since many users may rely on that information
to indicate real problems.

I wish there was some way to activate your patch other than launching
the top-level shell/window thru a run.exe-like starter app...but since
it has to be done before any other msys apps in the process tree start,
that means it probably should be done inside msys.bat itself (via an
--option?) somehow.

However, msys.bat launches its target (either rxvt or bash) via the
win32 program start.exe.  So, we could launch the target using EITHER
start.exe OR your wrapper, depending on --no-popups.  But then the
wrapper would need to be a lot smarter (e.g. use CreateProcess instead
of execve, so that it can set the CONSOLE hiding flags...but then, THAT
would use a different startup path inside msys.dll, and your patch
wouldn't activate!)

So, I don't think there is a "better" way than

   error_mode.exe -cgf C:/mingw/msys/1.0/msys.bat [--rxvt]

if we (MSYS) want to preserve existing popup-showing behavior at all --
which I think we do.  MAYBE the following (pseudo-bat-code, where
MSYS_NOPOP is set based on --no-popups arg to .bat file):

   if "x%MSYS_NOPOP%" == "x" goto startrp
   start %WD%error_mode -cgf /bin/rxvt {other args}

   start %WD%rxvt {other args}

with similar changes for the --no-rxvt case. It's sorta clunky, but it
might work.

But...that's something for the msys-dvlpr list to hash out.
Technically, I think your patch is fine.


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