On 1/7/2011 1:18 PM, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
>> Err...that's not really uncommon.
> [...]
> OK, but I still would accept those kinds of changes to code for
> little-used system only when someone has actually *tested* them in that
> particular situation, and found the code to be erroneous prior patch and
> working afterwards.  We've been pestering other users to try out our
> patches for a good reason, I don't see why this should be treated less
> strict.

OK, I'll add it to my list to create a mingw->linux compiler at home,
and use it to build (e.g.) libtool-enabled libpng from a cygwin shell.
(mingw->linux as a stand-in for mingw->$embedded since I can only do
this sort of thing at home, rather than at work where I have access to
mingw->$embedded).  Or maybe I'll look into an Android dev env (which is
mingw->android) instead, and try to use it from cygwin.

But...it probably won't happen soon.


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