On 10/5/2012 12:03 PM, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
> And thanks for looking into it.  Is there a legal way to get access
> to Windows and the various flavours of gcc and MSVC that libtool users
> care about, without spending hundreds of dollars on software I would
> never use for anything else?


MS routinely provides virtual machine images for their OS's for testers to use. Naturally they are in VHD format for the windows-hosted VirtualPC product...

WinXP, WinVista, Win7 (90 days [*])
[*] XP image has a hard-coded expiration date, and they usually upload a new version with a bumped expiry every so often. Current expiry is 13 Nov 2012. Vista and 7 are rolling expiration: 90 days from first activation.

Windows Server 2012 (180 days)

Windows 8 (90 days)

...but you can run them on linux using VirtualBox:

After that, you can install into the virtual environment the free (as in beer) Visual Studio Express of your choice; right now 2010 and 2012beta seem to be available. Requires "free" as in beer registration to use past 30 days.

Note that after installing VSexpress, you have to install separately the Windows SDK -- or at least that used to be required with the old 2005 and 2008 versions. Dunno about 2010/2012.

The expiration thing causes an annoyance "redo" factor if you only mess with this stuff once every six months and find you have to recreate everything each time. But...it doesn't cost any money.


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