On 2003-07-06(Sun) 11:08:58 -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> There is a "catch-22" with this approach in that adding
> -L$inst_prefix_dir to the front of the linker search path may cause
> the wrong dependency libraries to be used, which is just as bad as
> picking up the wrong target library.  The approach is reasonably safe
> for a DESTDIR install since one may assume that the existing libraries
> in $inst_prefix_dir are related to the current build, but is dangerous
> for a normal user install.

Let me illustrate more:

For normal user install, my patch has no effect -- since
$inst_prefix_dir is never used in normal install, no prepending of
staging library path is done during library relinking.

For staging install, the staging lib path is always prepended to the
whole list of libraries and lib paths, thus picking up the correct


> Although special tweaks may be applied for a DESTDIR install, the
> library paths should be as the user specified for a normal install.
> Bob
> ======================================
> Bob Friesenhahn
> http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen

Abel Cheung
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