River Tarnell:
> >  We've had proposed patches to get libtool with DESTDIR to work on
> >  HP-UX but they were problematic in some respect (see the archives of
> >  the libtool-patches list); I don't recall however if the issues were
> >  the same as what you are seeing.
> Thanks.  I'll have a look at these and see if any of them help.

Okay, so I took libtool from git, and applied this patch:
libtool now seems to work correctly: the real binary is installed, and
it's linked with the right library, which has the correct soname from
the real installation path.

It would be very nice to have this patch in the next libtool release.
While it might not be complete, it's a lot better than the current
situation on HP-UX (where I would say libtool is almost useless, since
$DESTDIR is a pretty important feature for building packages).

        - river.


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