- Only request from one tracker in a tier at one time.

- When in promiscious mode, only do one additional request from a
tracker. This should handle the cases of connecting to a completely
new torrent before any other peers and to ensure we get enough peers
for normal trackers, while keeping loads low.

- Only do scrape for one tracker per tier.

- Allow tilde for 'log.open_file' path.

- Added logging of options for created torrents.

- Differentiate scrape and normal requests in the tracker list.

- When 'throttle.max_*.global.*.set' commands are called they will
automatically update the libtorrent settings, so it is no longer
needed to set the throttle to force this update.

- Added 't.is_usable', 't.is_busy', 't.is_extra_tracker',
't.can_scrape', 't.activity_time_next', 't.activity_time_last',
't.success_time_next' and 't.failed_time_next'.

- Return hex instead of binary for 'd.chunks_seen'.


This release fixes several issues with the refactored tracker code,
making it more gentle on trackers.

Jari Sundell
Libtorrent-devel mailing list

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