Hello, here I am, tallented Doctor at a well know firm, 
snurfing through the googles and so on, ending up in this news-group.
My Quest has been in the dream of many others already.
It is all about tackling this javascripting trought WWW::Mechanize but, tell me 
my ideas about this topic is wrong, it seems that no good souls has ever yet
done it! 
It might be because it implies embeding another layer of interpreter, 
and adventuring in the dodgy path of executing a new thread of appletations 

Anyway, what I gathered also is that most of the time this javascript does 
compile another 
form get/head/posted to the HTTP server. but how to smartly compile it? zat ze 

-one would need a good interpreter:

could it be the job of JavaScript package?

-some libraries involving HTTP:
is there a way to snatch those from mozilla & co?
or would it be faster then to reinvent them in perl this time?
I wonder...!

-and cleverly insert them in the LWP bundle:
 "URI::javascript" might not be a good idea, 
since the URI object is not related to
the HTML pages it comes from
 and the interpretor would need whatever local variable and extra scripts the 
pages brought.

I turned my rage to LWP::Protocol::javascript, since then the request object 
might come with all its add on. 

Is this The Module which will produce the wanted query form?
Mind you, LWP::Protocol sounds more like a Gate keeper and not an Agent.
But who cares? this is for the good cause.
Then redirect the compiled URI with a visible query
to the main LWP::UserAgent  stream.

This could be a fraud, but that, is what I intend to do.

Now I implore any PERL GURU or people with better wisdom to
destroy my naive approache before I get to deep into the pitfalls.

And are there some kind Shaps to forward any scraps/ideas of their attempts?

I like to here from You. (What a great thing this WEB).

Dr. Christian Montanari,
Azure House,
Bagshot Road,
Berks, RG12 7QY, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 1344 301883
Fax: +44 (0) 1344 300293

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