Bruce Dodson top-posted:

> It seems clear to me, yet another non-lawyer:
> Derivative Works means "derivative works based upon the Original Work", as
> upposed to "derivative works based upon Marvel Comics characters", or
> "derivative works based upon previously-unreleased Elvis tracks".

Since the definition of this isn't yet established in the license text, how
would I know?

> "Prepare" - it doesn't say "to prepare yourself to create [Derivative
> Works]".  It says "to prepare [Derivative Works]".  Like when you're
> preparing dinner - after you have finished preparing it, you have
> that you can eat.  No offense, but "Duh."

None taken, but I still think that the word "prepare" is not in place. Just
me _thinking_ of doing anything later stated could be to "prepare" for

I still don't like it, and never will - worded as it is.


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