
I tried to build and run the new branch on OS X. I had to tweak a tiny bit the 
source code and the CMakeLists, but that was really minor. The short story:

* I use MacPorts for most libraries
* but CMake prefers /usr/local over MacPorts /opt/local 
* this leads to CMake finding wrong libraries -> quickfix in my working copy
* support.c contains an OS X hack for libiconv
* I commented that out, since MacPorts comes with a working libiconv
* Qt moc still does not speak C-preprocessor
* Therefore small fix for slot grabKey in my working copy

After those changes, I could build fine. However, upon running licq, I get this:

$ /opt/licq/bin/licq 
Assertion failed: (false), function pluginThreadEntry, file 
 line 96.

Using gdb to save backtrace to /Users/schmitz/.licq/licq.backtrace.gdb
/Users/schmitz/Programs/licq/gui-in-main-thread/build-all/build/40532: No such 
file or directory
Attaching to process 40532.
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries 
0x00007fff84eab410 in __wait4 ()
gdb exited with exit code 0

Rückverfolgung (gespeichert in /Users/schmitz/.licq/licq.backtrace):
21:52:45.315 [ERR] licq: [GPG] gpgme engine OpenPGP not found
0   licq                                0x000000010004013c 
_ZL19licq_handle_sigabrti + 1137
1   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff84ebd35a _sigtramp + 26
2   ???                                 0x0000024700007fff 0x0 + 2503965966335
3   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff84f389b4 __pthread_markcancel 
+ 0
4   licq                                0x0000000100147f97 
_ZL17pluginThreadEntryPv + 294
5   licq                                0x000000010014826c 
 + 206
6   licq                                0x0000000100026916 main + 134
7   licq                                0x000000010000bd5c start + 52
8   ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
Eine Core-Datei wird erstellt.

Licq has encountered a fatal error.
Please report this error either by creating a new ticket at 
http://trac.licq.org/ or by sending an e-mail to the mailing list 
licq-dev@googlegroups.com (you must be registered to be able to post, see 

To help us debug the error, please include a full description of what you did 
when the error occurred. Additionally, please include the following files (if 
they exist):

Thanks, The Licq Team
Abort trap

Any hints?

Best regards,

Arne Schmitz

Dipl.-Inform. Arne Schmitz              Phone   +49 (0)241 80-21817
Computer Graphics Group                 Mobile  +49 (0)151 29145947
RWTH Aachen University                  Fax     +49 (0)241 80-22899
Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany  http://www.rwth-graphics.de

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