On Sep 21, 9:48 pm, Tim Perrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That would be sweet ! ... anything particular in mind? ... things like
> > email, phone number validation etc?
> Totally - nothing crazy to begin with, perhaps with some way of
> passing a regex or whatever to ward off boiler plate code thats
> repeated by lift users. Conceptually, I think the ones given 
> byhttp://validatable.rubyforge.org/are quite nice. Like I said, nothing
> crazy, but very functional... e.g. validates_format_of
> > Yes of course ... implement other form fields ALL form input types +
> > what you very well suggested : common validations for say most
> > frequently used validations. Shoul also work for Ajax/json forms since
> > notices work just fine in such situations just a bit more noodling,
> > testing etc.
> Exactly - this is very nice and something that IMO, lift has really
> been missing. Do you mind if I take your example and extend it and
> stick it into lift core? Actually thats a good point.... where within
> the lift code base would this best sit? Probably net.liftweb.util
> maybe?

Could you create a different git branch ? ... I'd rather wait until it
is very close to completion (from the framework perspective at least)
and then commit it into master branch. I welcome you to continue with
implementation in this branch and I will provide feedback (with either
comments and code). When we're done with it we present to the
community an example application and then put it in the master branch
after we get the lift committers consensus and hopefully other
people's fedback.

I think net.liftweb.http.form package sounds reasonable for this

> Cheers
> Tim
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