It would be useful to me to be able to reuse the Menu.builder function 
to build different menus, thus:

<lift:Menu.builder name="global"/>

<lift:Menu.builder name="admin"/>

<lift:Menu.builder name="legal"/>

I'm wondering if it would work to extend LocStuff to include a LinkType 

case class LinkType(types: List[String]) extends LocStuff

Then in the SiteMap:

Menu(Loc("home", List("index"), "Home",
   LinkType(List("global")))) ::

Menu(Loc("users", List("users", "index"), "Users",
   LinkType(List("admin")))) ::

Menu(Loc("privacy_policy", List("privacy", "index"), "Privacy Policy",
   LinkType(List("legal")))) ::

Menu(Loc("sitempa", List("sitemap", "index"), "Site Map",
   LinkType(List("admin", "legal")))) ::


The the builder function in the built-in Menu snippet could be altered 
to take a name parameter that build a menu including only those Loc that 
had an associated LinkType parameter.

There is probably a better way, but this is the best I can think of at 
the moment.

Would anyone else find this useful?


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