David Pollak wrote:
> If you're cool with looking up the snippet by class/method name use the 
> plain old snippet.  If you want some control before the method gets 
> invoked (e.g., changing the behavior based on current session state), 
> use the dispatch snippet.

Is there a good example of this in the example sites somewhere? I'm a 
bit confused but intrigued.

> One-to-Many is:
> object otherThing extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, Other)
> otherThing.obj: Can[Other] will give you the other, if it exists.
> In other, to find all the things the refer to it:
> def findThings: List[Thing] = Thing.findAll(Thing.otherThing, this.id 
> <http://this.id>)
> Does that help?

Very much so. Thank you!


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