On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Alex Boisvert <boisv...@intalio.com>wrote:

> Hi Lifters,
> How would you feel about renaming .scala files to match the main
> class/trait in them?
> Let me give you a few examples,
> lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/auth/Authentication.scala
> currently holds a trait named HttpAuthentication.
> I'd like to rename it HttpAuthentication.scala
> lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/Stateful.scala
> currently holds the StatefulSnippet trait,
> so I'd like to rename it StatefulSnippet.scala
> lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/Vars.scala
> contains many things but the main class is AnyVar
> so I'd like to rename it AnyVar.scala
> and so on...
> There are two reasons I'd like to make these changes.  First, I think it's
> a good convention and it makes it easier to locate some of the main classes
> more easily (my Java roots are showing) and second, which is much more
> selfish at this point, is that Buildr does recompilation checks based on
> file timestamps and the existence of a corresponding .class file in the
> target directory and so it would help Buildr avoid recompiling everything
> all the time even though nothing has really changed.
> (I do realize practically nobody besides me uses Buildr in the Lift
> community at this point but I do intend to demonstrate that it's a great
> alternative to Maven.  And no, I'm not trying to replace or eradicate Maven,
> I'm just trying to make my own life simpler and share the results.  I also
> realize that it's likely scalac will have better recompilation detection in
> the future that may make the second reason for this request irrelevant,
> although I think the first reason is sufficient)
> What do you think?

Because there is no API breakage for doing this, go right ahead.

> alex
> >

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