Hi Squad

Our program for the month will be:

Seen in the light of the MOQ, what is it that is described in the last part of ZMM  
(The Greeks).          
Is it the emergence of SOM, the"coming of  age" of the Intellectual level, or...?

I hope Bodvar will give us a lead on this one as he's done more thinking on this 
subject than anyone 
else. Those of you who voted for Marco's suggestion on when and why the intellectual 
level was 
born will probably find this is quite close to that subject. In answering this 
question we will have to
examine both the subject-object metaphysics and the intellectual level and find out 
what they are,
and how they relate, and if, indeed, they are the same thing, as some have suggested. 

In the meantime, I'm off to read ZMM, again.



Results of vote

1. 3 votes
(Avid Anand, John Boone, Johannes Volmert)

2. 6 votes
(David Buchanan, Cntryforce, Erik de Vries, Bodvar Skutvik, Ken Clark, Taner Ackdeniz)

3. 1 vote
(Kevin Sanchez)

4. 1 vote
(Jonathan Marder)

5. 1 vote
(John Beasley) 

6. 4 votes
(Marco, Andrea Blumberg, Cory Ramage, David Atherfold)

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