
On Mon, 2 Jan 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

> Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > I do not have any experience with fontconfig, but this path should be
> > queried, right?
> yes. Question is: how.
> the easiest is probably to do
>   locate c059033l.pfb
> in configure.

Sorry, if you want to stay portable you better not rely on the presence of 

What I meant with "queried" was: now that we link in that BPOC named 
fontconfig, whose purpose is to ease the font configuration, fontconfig 
should tell us where the font is, right? Is not a call to 
FcConfigGetFontDirs() the correct thing? So, configure should write, 
compile and run something like this:

-- snip --
#include <fontconfig.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int main()
        FcStrList* list = FcConfigGetFontDirs(FcInitLoadConfig());
        FcChar8* dir;
        static char filename[] = "/c059013l.pfb";

        while ((dir = FcStrListNext(list))) {
                char buffer[1024];
                int len = strlen(dir);

                if (len + sizeof(filename) + 1 > sizeof(buffer))
                        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: path too long: %s\n", 
                else {
                        struct stat st;

                        strcpy(buffer, dir);
                        strcpy(buffer + len, filename);
                        if (stat(buffer, &st) >= 0) {
                                printf("%s\n", dir);
                                return 0;

        fprintf(stderr, "Font not found: %s\n", filename + 1);
        return 1;
-- snap --

If this program succeeds, it prints the (first) directory containing the 
desired font. If it fails, the font could not be found.

However, this means that fontconfig must be configured properly, which 
most people compiling fontconfig from scratch don't do. And it does not do 
it automatically either.

BTW the absence of a program like this in fontconfig just adds to my 
frustration with fontconfig.


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